Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My name is Sparky

My name is Sparky.  Last week I was 22 years young.  I have a few things that I would like to say if you would please give an old man-cat a moment.  Please keep me warm and comfortable.  Sometimes I get restless because it is hard to get comfortable.  I would like a few places where I can get under a blanket or lie in the sun.Do not be upset if I get cancer or something.  It was nothing you did.  It was because you took such good care of me.  I got an old age disease!  If you think I am very painful please help me.  I can go to the-sacred-before-and-after moment by moment.  I may seem slow and dazed.  I am really meditating, it helps me.  I will spend more and more time there until I have to go. I will hum my mantra.  Sometimes I do not eat or drink very much.  If you think I am hurting too much I trust you to do what is best for me.  Try to find me a Veterinarian who practices Hospice care for pets.  If you want to speed up my journey, I trust you.  If you do not feel it is your right to end my life, that is ok too.  Thank you for loving me and taking care of me.  I will love you.  My spirit will be with you.  Some of me will stay with you forever.


  1. That is a sweet post. Very handsome kitty too! Reminding me of my beloved cat, Herman Roosevelt Quinn. I miss him.

  2. When I get annoyed that one of my Aussies has been naughty, it's nice to have a post that helps me remember how short a time our pets' are in our life and we should be grateful for every moment. Thanks for telling Sparky's end of life story.

  3. Assisting those you love is a kindness. Your pet will ross the rainbow bridge and play until you can be reunited once more. Peace.

  4. Sparky! How awesome that he's still around....

  5. This post is so, so sweet. And Sparky has a great, loving face!

  6. Hi Sparky!!! We love you! From Molly, Midnight and Angel
